EPiServer CMS 5 jämfört med RedDot 7.5

Det healthcare fokuserade konsultbolaget ioko Carelink väljer ibland EPiServer som CMS för sina kunder. De har jämfört EPiServer med RedDot och kom fram till följande:

Ease of Use
. EPiServer has superior menu/site structure management: you can drag-and-drop within a tree structure and very easily amend sub-menus and tree structures. This is all done by non-technical editors.
. RedDot is less intuitive and requires some technical skills to have complete flexibility with the tree structure and menu management. To have the same degree of flexibility in RedDot as provided in EPiServer will need a Reddot programmer using smart edit and Smart Tree. This means that there are delays in publishing cycles when new pages/structure is required as a developer needs to be involved (see RedDot training course).

. EPiServer is strictly Microsoft.
. RedDot has Microsoft elements but the underlying code is java. Java developers may be required to extend the system.

Infrastructure Costs
. RedDot is resource intensive and architecturally is best deployed on 2 servers: a RedDot server and a web server. It can use 1 server but this then needs to be a much higher spec machine.
. EPiServer has a lower hardware cost and will run comfortably on a relatively low spec server. EPiServer supports staging as required, as well as load balancing and resilient architectures, but also supports direct publishing on a single box. Staging is not a prerequisite for an EPiServer site (in fact we don’t think it is necessary to stage content since the application manages that) however it is desirable where a site is under active development.

. EPiServer is priced at £8,500 or £11,000 if the load balancing version is required. There are no restrictions on the number of editors or the number of CPUs that can be used.
. Reddot starts at £27,500 and is restricted by both editors and CPUs. If they have an environment with many editors then Reddot becomes more expensive.

ioko Carelink säljer även danska SiteCore och Sharepoint.

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Under CMS, EPiServer, RedDot

Ett svar till “EPiServer CMS 5 jämfört med RedDot 7.5

  1. AR

    The code underlying RedDot CMS is .Net and traditional ASP. The code under RedDot LiveServer, which extends what the CMS publishes with dynamic components, is java.

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